HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module Software
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module, Software Details, Your Personal Guide to Fitness, Wellbeing and Holistic Health!
Intelligent Analysis and Search - Reliable Recommendations
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module identifies the topics that are relevant for you and finds Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) programs for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field.
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module.
A modular system for your health and wellbeing
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module, is a modular system for your health and wellbeing.
HealAdvisor Search uses intelligent expert databases, so you can find the best Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) Healy programs for you.
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module is your very own personal “Homeopathic App Wellness in Your Pocket”, an expert guide to fitness, well-being and holistic health!
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module Cloud Connection Finds the Nutrients That Support Your Vitality
Connected to the HealAdvisor* Cloud, you will be able to quickly locate the most beneficial and appropriate Healy Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) frequency-based wellness programs to run on your Healy device.
The HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module frequency programs are regularly updated and added to the secure Healy cloud data base. The HealAdvisor Search cloud database uses 4096-bit data encryption, so even the Healy programmers cannot access your private data, with the most advanced security protocols in use!
The transfer of information from your smartphone to Healy is protected with a patented, proprietary system that belongs to Healy.
Bioenergetic Nutritional Needs.
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module provides helpful information for your particular bioenergetic nutritional needs. HealAdvisor Search AI (Artificial Intelligence) self-learning algorithm processes your search queries in a way that becomes more accurate and personalized to you over time.
Finding the Balance Between Body, Mind and Soul
Locate the right Healy frequency programs best suited to address your bioenergetic balance. The HealAdvisor Search App identifies the topics relevant to your particular needs and then locates the right Healy frequency programs that are the best fit to address your bioenergetic balance.
Access the HealAdvisor Network experts directly In the situation where HealAdvisor Search App does not provide a viable solution, you can access the HealAdvisor Network experts directly within the app and request individual help!
Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) programs
The HealAdvisor Expert Database Accesses the Cloud to Help with the Following & describes the complex relationships among:
Contact Alternative Medical Practitioners
With this HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module feature, you can contact an alternative medicine practitioner and search for health specialists within the complementary health modalities to guide you.
... Monthly subscription service
HealAdvisor Search Edition App Module allows you to get the most out of your Healy device and truly harness the full potential of frequency micro-current .
HealAdvisor Search App has a monthly subscription service that is required for use. Pay monthly or cancel at any time.
You can easily create a personalized wellness plan using Healy HealAdvisor App that recommends Frequency Programs supporting your bioenergetic balance. Search
The HealAdvisor Edition Cloud Your Connection to an Advisor.
We hope that you enjoy the new HealAdvisor App and wish you much success using it
Connect with US Here Ordering Your Healy Device When Ordering your Healy device, Apps and subscriptions with me as your Healy Upline, I will support you with one on one phone calls, email support, Youtube videos, product knowledge, and your own customized Healy Web site for educational and automated Healy order taking. Very few Healy uplines will support you as effectively as I will! SETTING UP YOUR HEALY MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT AND ORDERING HEALY WITH ME AS YOUR SPONSOR BE SURE THE REFERRAL ID IS 3278-1896-2190 on the Healy Sign-up Page Once on the Member or product order page you will see my Healy Referrer ID # 3278-1896-2190 Take your Healy business to the next level of profitably and support with my Healy team! Let's also connect to ensure your order processes correctly. Order your Healy device, subscriptions and apps through me as your Sponsor Referral ID 3278-1896-2190 Click on this link to shop for Healy in the Healy USA store at: https://www.healy.shop/?partnername=3278-1896-2190 I provide you with some of the best one-on-one Healy training for your Healy device and apps.
When you have finished placing your Healy Device app order, please email me with your email address, Order ID # and your Healy member ID, so I can add you to my Healy Member list, forward you your new web site I create for you at no charge, and keep you informed of new Healy information. Contact me via email and more, here:
We are a Healy World Member Partner, operating as an independent contractor, member of Healy World USA. Serving all Healy open markets with Healy unit devices and wellness apps .
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OK, now you have a whole bunch of homeopathic "Apps" in your pocket!
Find suitable Healy frequency programs for the search queries you make HealAdvisor Cloud is an artificial intelligence-based information network that the HealAdvisor Search App accesses to find suitable Healy frequency programs for the search queries you make. The latest knowledge about frequencies and wellbeing for your own benefit are at your fingertips!.
Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) programs are regularly added to the HealAdvisor Cloud to help enhance your life goals and wellbeing!
The Heart and Brain of the Healy System, HealAdvisor Expert Database
Your monthly subscription always qualifies you for active Healy member status as well.
Create a Personalized Wellness Plan
Set up your personalized wellness plan, and you will be reminded when it is time for running the next Healy program.
Make daily entries on your condition and thus track your progress. By adding comments to each submission, you gain more detailed insights.
View your previous entries in the Dashboard and see how your condition improvement is developing over time.
The Search function in the HealAdvisor AI expert database now contains many new Healy program recommendations. Add Healy programs to your Program Pool and use them immediately.
Shopping List
The Healy Digital Nutrition Application Shopping List ranks the personalized food recommendations according to their relevance, as these provide the basis for your bioenergetic balance.
Connect to a HealAdvisor Edition Cloud practitioner
You will be connected to a HealAdvisor Cloud practitioner when you explicitly request this and unlock them with your Healy app.
Healy practitioners will help you get the most out of your Healy’s non-medical applications and will not provide medical advice.
With the HealAdvisor Cloud you are never alone! Over 1,500 practitioners are available to advise you and send Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) programs for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field to your Healy.
You Are Referred to Healy by Alan Gough 3278-1896-2190
When ordering Your Healy products through us, we provide you a FREE Healy business income building and educational web site (just like this one) to help grow your knowledge and success with Healy, and you also receive our own professionally produced Healy content YouTube videos.
Click Here to join our Healy team, and get the support, income and rewards you deserve from Healy and our team.
Let's connect if you would like help making your Healy selection. My uplines years of experience and myself can set you in the right directions.
Disclaimer: The HealAdvisor App is meant to guide you in getting the best use of the Healy frequency programs, and not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or provide medical advice. If you believe you may have a medical condition, always consult a healthcare professional. The content displayed by the HealAdvisor App does not constitute medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional.
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