Healy Watch Edition and Apps Module Details
Healy Watch Edition Details - Digital lifestyle wearable - Measures, evaluates Your body Vital Parameters
By advanced monitoring technology and algorithms, the Healy Watch interprets wide-ranging body information and assists you in attaining body and mind balance.
Healy Watch Edition is packed with useful features, including:
• 7-day Healy Program Schedule Suggests suitable Healy programs according to your body and mind status.
• Sleep Monitor
Records detailed daily sleep status including deep sleep, light sleep, and sleeping heart rate.
• Breathing Session Get a moment of stress relief by a series of guided deep breathes.
• Sedentary / Exercise Reminder Reminds you to move, stretch and perform a workout, according to your personal settings.
• SOS Message Send out an alert SMS text message containing your location to your emergency contacts by a simple click.
• Activity Tracking 24-hour tracking of your steps, distance, calories burnt, active time, and daily goals reached.
• Workout Tracking Support 10 types of workout tracking, including: run, cycle, gym, hike, basketball, football, badminton, tennis, dance, and yoga.
• Data Statistics Display historical trend of your health data by day, week, month and year in concise statistical graphs.
• Digital Life Wearable
Watch Face Customization / Message Notifications / Vibration Alarm Clock / Music Control / Weather Display / Find Phone / Timer
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Note: • This app can only be used if paired with a Healy Watch.
The Healy Watch is a certified, portable medical device that, using individually set frequencies, is designed to stimulate certain areas of your body. Healy utility programs operate in the bioenergetic field of the body and are based on many years of experience of Nuno Nina and our network of therapists.
Healy utility programs operate in the bioenergetic field of the body and are based on many years of experience of Nuno Nina and our network of therapists.
It's such an awesome feeling doing well in your own mind, body and soul.
A healthy body and soul are probably the most important additions to happiness and quality of life!
Are you looking for natural, holistic, alternative, supportive subscribe, solutions for your health problems or pains?
Do you, through self-knowledge, want to restore the balance between your body and soul?
We created Healy Watch Edition for all these reasons and more.

Click here to Buy - Subscribe, Order Healy Watch Edition and App
Finding the Balance Between Body, Mind and Soul
• Healy Watch and Healy - a closed feedback system for your body and mind
• Compact, practical and innovative
• Finds the body | mind | soul balance
• Finds the right Healy IMF programs for harmonization of your
Bioenergetic Field
• Controlled via the Healy Watch App, connected via Blue tooth
• Cutting-edge technology for
exercise | sports | sleep | breathing
• Can be used with or without Healy
Finding the Balance Between
Mind and Soul
Find Suitable Healy Individualized Micro current
Frequency (IMF) Programs
• Healy Watch and Healy - a closed feedback system for your
body and mind
• Compact, practical and innovative
• Finds the body | mind | soul balance
• Finds the right Healy IMF programs for harmonization of your
Bioenergetic Field
• Controlled via the Healy Watch App, connected via Blue tooth
• Cutting-edge technology for
exercise | sports | sleep | breathing
• Can be used with or without Healy

• The Healy Watch measures your bioenergetic status by analyzing BRA (Bioenergetic Rhythm
Analysis), HRV (Heart Rate Variability) and sleep parameters. Quickly and easily.
• The Healy Watch Connector module* can analyze that measurement data to find the frequencies that
help you relax, reduce stress and support your fitness goals.
Determine Frequency Programs
• These analyses result in selecting the most appropriate Healy Individualized Micro current
Frequency (IMF) programs to support harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field.
• Apply these frequency programs through your Healy
• Using the Healy Watch, you can monitor the status of your Bioenergetic Field
• Find new IMF programs for the next application
The Healy Watch Edition excels at integrating blood pressure, heart rate, HRV, cardiology, connecting to your Healy for enhanced wellness opportunities for you using the Healy Apps along with the Healy Watch. Now that's your Digital Homeopathic helper.
Healy Watch Disclaimer Healy Watch is intended to support vitality and well-being, and is not a substitute for medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional. The physiological measurements displayed on Healy Watch and in the Healy Watch App are designed to help you develop healthier habits and meet your fitness and wellness goals, to guide you in using the programs available in your Healy, and to alert you to information that may make a consultation with a healthcare provider appropriate. No claims are made that Healy Watch or Healy Watch App readings are diagnostic of the presence or absence of any medical conditions.
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& Watch Edition Modules, subscribe, Click Here
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We are a Healy World Member Partner, operating as an independent contractor, member of Healy World USA. Serving all Healy open markets with Healy unit devices and wellness apps
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