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Healy Manual Healy Watch

The following PDF pages (from this download) will provide you with detailed insight into the Healy Watch.

The physiological measurements displayed on Healy Watch and in the Healy Watch App are designed to help you develop healthier habits and meet your fitness and wellness goals, to guide you in using the programs available in your Healy, and to alert you to information that may make a consultation with a healthcare provider appropriate.

The Healy Watch is intended to support vitality and well-being, and is not a substitute for medical advice,
which can only be provided by a medical professional.

No claims are made that Healy Watch or Healy Watch App readings are diagnostic of the presence or absence of any medical conditions.

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Click here to download Healy Manual Healy Watch


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Here are the Healy Watch Specifications for your review and interest.

To receive regular information about program updates as well as important announcements, please stay in touch with us via email.
We trust that you will enjoy your Healy device, Healy Apps, and experience increased wellbeing and vitality!

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We are a Healy World Member Partner, operating as an independent contractor, member of Healy World USA. Serving all Healy open markets with Healy unit devices and wellness apps

. healy world member partner















Disclaimer:Healy Watch

Healy Watch is intended to support vitality and well-being, and is not a substitute for medical advice, which can only be provided by a medical professional. The physiological measurements displayed on Healy Watch and in the Healy Watch App are designed to help you develop healthier habits and meet your fitness and wellness goals, to guide you in using the programs available in your Healy, and to alert you to information that may make a consultation with a healthcare provider appropriate. No claims are made that Healy Watch or Healy Watch App readings are diagnostic of the presence or absence of any medical conditions.







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Disclaimer: Healy is a micro current medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help balance your mind and body and relieve stress. Always use your Healy in accordance with its instructions for use.